Thursday, December 22, 2011

المحظورة الجديدة

لسنين طويلة في ظل حكم الطاغية مبارك كان قمع الجماعة الاسلامية على أشده وكان اقوى فصائل هذه الجماعات في المجتمع المدني هي جماعة الاخوان المسلمين أو الجماعة المحظورة كما كان يحلو للنظام و كلابه من الاعلاميين متملقي السلطة تسميتهم. أما الآن فقد اختلف الوضع تماما فاصبح لجماعة الاخوان المسلمين حزب سياسي يسعى لأغلبية في البرلمان وتمارس نشاطاتهم في العيان بدون ادنى مضايقة أو تدخل من السلطة الحاكمه ليس هذا فقط !واصبح هناك جريدة توزع بانتشار بين الناس للحزب الذي يكتب فوق اسمه "حزب الحرية والعدالة .. أسسه الاخوان المسلمون لجميع المصريين" 
لا يخفى الا على الاعمى أو المتعامي التعاون الواضح بين المجلس العسكري الحكم بامر السلاح والطاغية والاخوان المسلمون حيث ناضل الاخوان لسنين طويلة للوصول للسلطة عن طريق خلق قاعدة جماهيرية من الفقراء والميالين إلى العباءة الدينية ولكن ماذا قدم الاخوان للفقراء ؟ وهل يرى الإخوان بديلا عن الإحسان لتحسين احوال الفقراء من هذه الأمة ؟
هل هو تعاون بين الاخوان من جهة المجلس الحاكم من جهة اخرى ؟ ام كما يقول البعض "هدنة" نتيجة عداوة قديمة ؟ مقابل مكتسبات للطرفين ؟
أما اليوم وبعد رفع الحظر عن المحظورة فكان من الملزم حظر محظورة اخرى !
في السابق كان يتم محاربة الاخوان لسعيهم إلى السلطة سواء بإسم محاربة الفساد أو بأي مسمى يستتر تحته هدف السلطة ويأتي ذلك من كونهم اكبر فصيل سياسي منظم على الأرض ولذلك تم استخدامهم من قبل المجلس الأعلى للقتل للتأثير على جموع الناس الثائرة في الميادين وقيادة الثورة المضادة بشرط تقسيم السلطة بينهم.
ولكن هناك من رأى ذلك وابى !
يعلم المجلس علم اليقين ان التيار اليساري في مصر يشتد عوده بعد الثورة ويمر بمرحلة من النضوج والتوسع بين الشباب وبداية حركة عمالية واسعة تضرب كل فترة بإضرابات تزلزل النظام وتهز أركانه ولذلك فوجب على النظام وئد هذه الحركات الهادفة لاسقاطه ولكنها ابت مرة اخرى.
لماذا يحارب النظام "الاشتراكيين الثوريين" ؟
لا يسعون إلى سلطة .. لا يقدمون خدمة إلى الناس الا ثورة !
تبنى قاعدتهم على اساس مصلحة الناس وتقرير مصير الشعب الكادح للشعب الكادح.
الفصيل الوحيد الذي لا يقبل أنصاف الحلول
الفصيل الوحيد الذي لم يقبل المتاجرة بدماء الشهداء في مسرحية الانتخابات الهزلية
نعم يمثل الاشتراكيون خطر على نظام تتداعى أركانه..
لن تفلح هجمات المجلس القذرة على الاشتراكيين الثوريين من خلال اعلامهم واعلام من والاهم.
الاشتركيون الثوريون هم الجماعة المحظورة الجديدة ولكن هناك فرق بين محظورة ومحظورة .. 
كُلّ يَوْمٍ نَزِيلُ سَددًا .. كُلّ يَوْمٍ نََزِيدُ عَدداً | الاشتراكيون الثوريون ...

لسة الطريق طويل - Symbolism,

حلمنا في يوم .. وبندفع تمن الحلم دم
ماخفنا الموت .. ولا نزيف الدم
طريق طويل مفروش بالدم .. وعلى الجنبين حجارة و حلم
ومهما يزيد القاتل بالدم .. جوانا لسة عايش حلم
طريقك طويل يا حرية ...

Video by Indikuta

Monday, December 19, 2011

Advice in case you are beaten by police or army - نصايح لاوقات التعرض للضرب بواسطه الجيش أو الشرطة

Scroll down for English. translated by Mai Shams El-Din Ismail

نظرا للوحشية المتعمدة من قبل قوات الأمن سواء كانت مدنية أو عسكرية (شرطة - جيش) فمن الملزم ان تأخذ حذرك حين تقع فريسة في ايدي من لا يرحم !
اولا في المعارك في مصر لازم تعتاد على الكر والفر الكتير اللي احيانا بيكون  زيادة عن اللزوم طبعا وبيكون  في اوقات كتيرة خطر من غير شك.
لما يكون هجوم القوات المواجهة مؤكد اياك أو اياكي تبص ورا ضهرك بص بس أمامك وكل اللي يكون في مخك إنك تقطع اطول مسافة في اقصر زمن مع الحفاظ على الهدوء ومعدل التنفس الطبيعي.
نتيجة للتزاحم أو اي عامل آخر ممكن جدا تلاقي نفسك وقعت على الأرض وفي الحالة دي بكرر اياك تنظر خلفك وحاول جاهدا إنك تقوم بسرعة عشان تنجي نفسك من بطش الباطشين.
في المواجهة الغير متكافئة خلي دايما مبدأك الخروج بأقل الخساير .. بمعنى إنك لو هتهرب وماسك حاجة معطلك يبقى سيبها أو مثلا لو وقعت واضربت يبقى تتفادى الاعتقال.
في حالة السقوط على الأرض اللي بيضربك غالبا مش بيكون  واحد بس .. بالعكس بيكون  طبعا حفلة عليك أو عليكي.
وهنا لازم تكون اولوياتك معروفة يعني اهم جهاز في جسمك في اللحظات دي هي أجهزة الحركة يعني الساقين وعشان كده لازم تتفادى اي كسور أو اي حاجة ممكن تعيق أو تأثر على الحركة ولذلك احمي نفسك من الكسور في الساقين بانك تستقبل الضرب بزاوية و متخليش العصا تنزل عمودية خليك في حركة دايما يعني ترفص وتحاول تستقبل الضرب أو معظمه بفخذك لانها اكبر كتلة عضلية وأكتر مكان ممكن يمتص الصدمات.
وبالنسبة لتاني اهم جهاز أو مكان ممكن يعيق حركتك هو البطن لانك هتتعرض للضرب فيها بالأرجل وفيها اماكن ممكن تعيق الحركة وتسبب مضاعفات زي النزيف الداخلي أو كسر الضلوع وفي أسوء الحالات ممكن تكون السبت تلحق بالرئتين ولذلك لازم أول ماتقع على الارض وتتم محاصرتك تتخذ الوضع الجنيني يعني تحاول تقرب المسافة بين ركبك وراسك وتخبي وشك وايدك على راسك من الجنبين.
في كل الاوضاع ونتيجة للعنف المفرط هتتعرض لإصابة بس الاحسن إنك تخرج بأقل الخساير.
مش محتاج اقولكم طبعا إن راسك تحط ايدك عليها ومتبصش لحد خالص .. ركز بس في انتهز فرصة للهرب عشان ده يساعدك في تحمل الضرب مهما كان.
 .. ملحوظة أخيرة : ركز إيه هو سبب نزولك للشارع من البداية ! ... >> يعني لو نازل تضرب يبقى خليك خفيف متشيلش حاجة تقيلة !
wولو نازل تغطي احداث وتصور يبقى لازم متبينش ده لان ده هيخليك مستهدف ولو كده خليك بعد عن الصفوف الاولى اوي بحيث توسع مكان للمقاتلين وفي نفس الوقت تشتغل بأريحية وأمان تام.
أكيد مش من أول مرة هيكون ادائك هايل بس هي بتيجي بالتعليم والتمرين والتركيز.
ربنا معانا.

Advice in case you are beaten:

In Egypt, you have to get used to street fighting (going back and forth):
1-      When there is a confirmed attack, never look back just look forward and put in mind to run as fast as possible to the far distance possible, with peace of mind and keep your normal breathing rate.
2-      In case of crowdness you may fall down, again, rise up as quick as possible, don’t look back words and keep running.
3-      In case of unequal fighting (your enemy is stronger) make your most important concern to get out of it with the least loss possible, if you carry something big leave it, and if you are caught, make sure you are not arrested.
4-      In case you fall down, of course it is not going to be one security personnel beating you, they will be a group, so do the following:
-          Your most important parts of your body are your legs and arms (movement parts) so avoid anything will affect their movement, injuries, getting broken. If your are beaten in your leg, make sure to position your leg with an angel, never allow the beating to be vertical on your leg, kick whoever beats you, let him beat you in the thigh not in the leg, because your thigh is the strongest muscle in the body, and can absorb the beating.
-          Protect your head with your arms and never look at anyone, focus on escaping by any means; this will make bear the pain and the beating.
5-      Concentrate on the reason why you are in the street, if you are there for fighting, try to be as light as possible, do not put extra luggage with you.
6-      If you are documenting then make sure not to be obvious so as not to be targeted, be away from the front of the battle to give a chance for the fighters and allow yourself to freely document.
Definitely you will not 100% perfect from the first time, you will get used to it by training.
God be with us J 

Friday, December 16, 2011

لحد امتى ؟

بعدالموجة الاولى من الثورة كنت بقول إني اتغيرت .. يعني أنا قبل 25 يناير غير بعد 25 يناير .. بس وقتها كان التغير للاحسن بالتأكيد بعد سنين احباط كان الامل مليني .. بوطن افضل وعالم اروع ..  كان المكسب كبير وقتها بالرغم من كمية الخساير والناس اللي فقدتهم
تعدي الايام وتيجي مظاهرة السفارة و ياخد عاطف يحيى رصاصة توديه في غيبوبة تدوم شهور وايام صعبة علينا احنا صحابة وصعبة على أمه اللي ملهاش غيره ينور حياتها .. وبقيت بعد حادثة السفارة الأولى غير قبل حادثة السفارة الأولى .. 
تمر الايام تاني .. 
تيجي احداث 28 يونيو ..وبعدها اصبحت غير قبلها .. 
تمر الايام و تيجي مذبحة ماسبيرو ومصربعد ماسبيرو غير مصر قبل ماسبيرو ..  
تيجي معركة محمد محمود .. 
أنا بعد محمد محمود غير قبل محمد محمود .. 
والنهاردة بعد مجلس الوزرا ... ولسة ولسة .. 
بس بعد كل ده عندي سؤال ! ليه ؟
آه هو ده السؤال 
ليه هديل ومحمد عزازي ؟
هديل 16 سنة .. ليه تخلوها تبات في الشارع ويكون همها عالم افضل بدل ماتعيش سنها وتلعب فارم فيل مع صحابها عالفيسبوك ؟
يمكن جريمتها إنها بتحلم في وطن اتجرمت فيه الأحلام .
محمد عزازي ..شاب هايل ومصور موهوب .. ليه بدل مايصور طبيعة أشكال لطيفة بتخلوه يستنى مظاهرةعشان يصورها ؟ أو مصاب وقنابل غاز وشهداء ؟
تخيلوا بقت هي دي حياة اصدقائي الصغار ؟
جرايمهم بسيطة بساطة الاطفال وبريئة برائة الرضع ..
جريمة اسمها .. حب وامل فداء وانتماء .. 
اصبحت ذكريات أحلى ايام عمرهم اعتصامات واضرابات ومعارك كلها شهداء ودم واصابات هم مسلموش منها ..
اصدقائي اشرف منكم يا عسكر .. اجمل منكم يا نظام قبيح 
فعلا بعد اللي بيحصل لمعظم صحابي علي يد العسكر و إصاباتهم بيعطوني بدل السبب ألف عشان الموضوع يبقي شخصي بدل إنه وطني ! ده حتي أنا مسلمتش يا كفره.
بس هننتصر .. هتنتصراحلام هديل ومانشي .. هينتصر العالم المليان الوان على العالم الرمادي الكئيب .. هننتصر.

لا تصالح

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Just Voted

My electoral card from inside the polling station - Down with the scaf, Down with tantawy, elections wont get the martyr's right back, down with the opportunists - ..

Yes, This is my ELECTORAL card for 2011 coming to us by SCAF.
I did invalidate my vote as you see in the photo above, because i am convinced that any elections or any parliaments won't make the social revolution i'm aiming for after our revolution.
It's surprising how many revolutionaries who proved to me that they are not !
Because the real revolutionary is not the one who can accept the half solutions ! and that what some political forces did when they claimed that they can take Tahrir to the parliament !
Can you tell me when and where any revolutionary demands achieved through a military parliament ?
Of course it never happened !
I won't blame the voters who for the first time in the Egyptian history felt that their electoral voices will count, hit the streets for the polling stations and voted ,No i will blame the politicians who played this dirty game according to the SCAF's rules and agreed to be a part of the Game.
The election is a crime.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Local journal in a small city criticizes the SCAF in it's 1st issue! - جريدة شعبية في مدينة الحوامدية تعلق على الانتخابات وتصف المجلس العسكري بالحزب الوطني الثاني

For me it was a big surprise to find a small journal in a small city criticizing the SCAF Generals.
We need more of these small journals to be in all hand soon .. 
Revolution continues ..

Egypt is not Tunisia

We all remember this, we remember how many times we heard it while we were dreaming of the revolution, we remember how it was a great motive to prove to the whole world that we can!,11 months ago we showed the world how wrong is this when we revolted and forced Mubarak to step down.

Away from the revolutionary romantic feelings the revolution isn't over yet because it's a lifetime experience and process, so the revolution didn't stopped in Egypt or even in Tunisia in order to defeat the counter-revolution which till short time ago the of the same nature, but due to the cultural, economical and political differences between the two countries the scene now is totally different.

It wasn't a surprise for the two nations that the Islamic movements is that strong economically or regulatory.

But in Tunisia the governing controls were much obvious and supported by fairly strong secular groups whether they are liberals or leftists groups so the civil state wasn't negotiable like here in 

Egypt where the extremist Islamic movements "Salafists" are calling for an Islamic Theocratic state in order to influence the people or the great sector of them by the religious campaigns which will guarantee the security of the SCAF from being questioned and keeping all their dark secrets about the regime, so it was obvious that they used the liberal, Islamic, leftist-reformatory forces and the media system dogs to reach their goal.

At the same time Egypt is worried about the identity of the state Tunisia finished the transformation period safely and it's obvious if you noticed the amount of violence in both countries since Mubarak and BinAly stepped down, Tunisia reached to the presidential elections while Egyptians are waiting for the SCAF to decide when and how they will elect the president.

Another very important difference between them is the strength of the leftist groups or parties which in Tunisia forced the Islamic movements to put a line for their dreams!

But in Egypt it's a little different, as the Egyptian leftists are weak in number and support by the people due to the reduced awareness and suppression they were subjected to the years before the revolution, but the good thing is that the Egyptian leftism is gaining much power since the revolution of the 25th of January but still have time in front of them to lead the political scene in Egypt specially after some leftist groups allied the SCAF in their elections which did weakened the movement again but i think it's good to know who is with you and who is not earlier to build a strong movement.

So Egypt is not Tunisia.

Video - Home demonstration in Beirut to support the Syrian Revolution ?

Because of suppression, oppression and lack of freedom of speech in Lebanon just like any other Arabic state under these dictatorships, Lebanese people are banned from showing their support to the Syrian revolution, asking for the immediate stoppage of the blood bath their and forcing Bashar to step down.
A group of Lebanese demonstrated at home silently away from the suppressive regime's eyes carrying signs supporting the revolution in Syria.

Food Poisoning at #OccupyCabinet

fish caused this ?
Tweeps at  sit-in reporting mass food poisoning after sandwiches and fish given out to protesters.
Vomiting, nausea and fainting are the major symptoms affected more than 40 protester till the moment I'm writing this post.
Food given out by unknown people as the protesters said.
Ambulances took the poisoned protesters to El-Kasr El-Einy hospital and El-Monera hospital.
I have no doubt that SCAF generals and The New butcher of Interior are a major part of what is happening now in the sit-in.
SCAF used internationally prohibited tear gases against peaceful protesters in a part of the chemical war they are having against us ! So it's not weird to use these cheap means as Food poisoning.

All this is happening now while many Egyptians are busy with the Elections ! 

vomit !
Photos by Ahmed EL-Aish

Sunday, December 11, 2011

VIDEO - We are all Khaled Said - Berlin Wall

These little things

New design by me.
After a certain time on this planet every man will have his own "these little things"...
It doesn't matter when, where or how ?
What really matter is the "these little things" and what they mean for it's owner.
Through life every man collect a group of things which are very simple and fragile but it makes him the happiest man on earth in his mind, most of them have no explanation, none can really explain how these little things make any one happy even they call the man "crazy".
Somethings in our life will lose the meaning of it's existence if we explained it or even tried to .. because they have no explanation except that perfect explanation which only known by the man himself .. "It makes me happy"
Maybe they touch a childish desire inside a big man .. who knows ? 
Why we are trying to explain everything .. all the time ?
We are giving the explanations a time they don't deserve, we should make the most of the time just to be happy for any reason without thinking about the stupid hidden reason if they exist !
The worst part is when anyone try to mess with these things like making fun of it or by an other Not responsible action because the man can reach the point of fighting for it with all his power because he have nothing but these small tings .. so i 'll never recommend to fuck with anyone's "these little things"

الذين قالوا .. هع !

مبروك علينا الثورة
و محاكمة الفاسدين
ضحكوا علينا العسكر
... وشوية المجانين
ضحكوا علينا اخواتنا
وتاجروا باسم الدين
منا لما قلت مدنية
قالوا عليا حمار
والحقبة السلفية
قالت هخش النار
ولما الجنود ماتت عالحدود بايدين اليهود
جبتولنا حقنا و بنيتوا للسفارة..جدار
وتقللي حميتوا الثورة..!!
آآآآآآآآه يا مجلس عار
يا مجلس عسكر مسّرح علينا كلابك
نسيت مين اللى عمل الثورة
ونسيت مين اللى اصلا جابك؟؟
وهو ده جزائى عشان بطالب بحرية
عشان بقولك رأيي
اتحاكم محاكمة عسكرية؟؟
ما خلاص بانت يا عسكر
و عرفنا التمثيلية
ياحيا النظام الفاسد..ياحيا النظام البائد
خّرج النظام برائة
ياما فى الحبس مظاليم
الشعب كلوا اتحاكم
ونسيوا ماضيك الاليم
والكل يديك صوتوا
اول ما نعمل انتخابات
والعسكر رجعوا تانى
آه يا مجلس.."خواجات"
احب اقولك لأ
الثورة طريقها النصر
وهى كلمة اخيرة
ملكش حكم فى مصر
 ملحوظة : أنا معرفش الكاتب .. بس عجبتني مش أكتر

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Planet of stupidity

How strange is that !
We should learn from history but not to reproduce it because if it was on the right way it would be our present !
How stupid is the Quote saying "history repeats itself" !
How stupid are the people saying and repeating these stupid useless sayings like the one above and not able to move even one step forward and just only .. wait for it, but it will be great it they understand that the signs of the repeated history are just an alarm from "time" declaring that it's now the time to move, but some people are banned by their stupidity, maybe due to their weakness !
Every time has it's own battles and it's tools,so it's impossible to reproduce history, because it's as simple as the simplicity of the word history is .. it's history for god sake !
Every time i hear this Quote i say to myself "should i wait ?" but thanks to something i don't know what is it i say "No i won't, i will skip that for Future"
I am sorry .. I'll quit waiting ..

New Video : Dr.Gamal Zahran speaking at Occupy cabinet 9-12-2011


My New Video : No Military Trials & Free Egypt Protest 9-12-2011

March in El-Kasr El-Einy st. Against The Military trials for civilians & Free Egypt campaign protest against the Military Rule.
Chants against SCAF Generals demanding Ending the transitional period and handling the power to an elected civilian council.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Essawy's stand up comedy

Arrow > sniper ?
The 2nd Minister of interior General Mansour El-Essawy, Since his first appearance and his first statements, i was curious about this man, May be he has a great sense of humor, he is high 24/7 Or he doesn't exist at all !

Everyone remember his first shocking statements about the existence of snipers in the ministry of the interior denying any relation between the snipers seen on the roof of the ministerial building shooting the peaceful protesters causing many deaths in the first days of the Egyptian uprising back in the 25th of January 2011.

After several months of continuous Black Comedy Mr.Essawy " JUST LEFT " the ministry in the middle of the clashes of Tahrir square -known as 2nd uprising- and wasn't the first time to him to lose control of the field operations because it happened the same way back in ( 28th of June 2011 ) -known as El-Ballon battle- leaving the peaceful unarmed protesters in direct clashes with the brutal Egyptian Central Security Forces.

To make sure of how FUNNY is this man you can just watch his TV interviews and see how he challenges all the evidences against his men depending on the traditional theory of "THE THIRD HIDDEN ELEMENT" despite all the testimonies, videos and photos make him wrong.

After the final resignation Essawy wanted to give us his usual stand up comedy show commenting on the latest events since the 19th of November 2011 till the 24th of November 2011 during his interview with Mr.Mootaz El-Demerdash in Masr El-Gdeda talk show on air denying the death of anyone in Mohamed Mahmoud st. during the last clashes ! not that only he also denied the usage of Tear gas canisters, rubber bullets and live ammunition ! -NB: Man, Are you High ? tell me!!- , Anyway that was predictable from a man who lost control everytime the situation became complicated !

Don't miss Essawy's latest stand up comedy show, From last night !

Important links :

My Videos from #Tahrir square clashes since #19Nov , The second Egyptian uprising فيديوهات من اشتباكات ميدان التحرير والانتفاضة المصرية التانية من يوم 19 نوفمبر  By me.

Meet our new minister of interior !!! by ( Zeinobia ) Egyptian Chronicles

Another kidnapped officer

Officer Tamer Badr was kidnapped this afternoon at 2 pm from Tahrir square after he announced his defection from the army and joined the protesters in Tahrir square.
I won't bid on his action for sure but i said my opinion before more than once, it's not the right time to do it now !
Video from the Guardian 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The secret agreement - a theory

May be what i want to say in the few coming lines will be considered as a conspiracy theory, just a stupid theory, may be it's the truth Or at least an important part of it.

May be the following questions will help.
Why Islamists ?
Why Now ?
Islamic movements before and after the revolution ?
What is the Counter-revolution ? Are they a part of it ?
Can they achieve the goals of the revolution ?
What was the secret agreement ? is it happening ?

At a defining moment of the Egyptian history General Omar Soliman the torture specialist, the former Director of Intelligence, the 1st and the last grantor of Israeli peace in the area and the Egyptian GAS seller appeared at the forefront of the political scene as the first vice president since 30 years and that was the last official and public appearance of Omar Soliman, between the many controversial statements he made during the short critical time as a vice president and against all the expectations he asked the Muslim Brotherhood to join the negotiations while till that date the M.B. was a banned group by law ! " It's better for them to join " said Soliman.

Soliman's history with the islamists specially the M.B. is full of torture, blood, killing and detentions so it was logical for the M.B. to refuse his offer back then at least in public despite that the M.B. didn't hit the streets from the beginning of the revolution but they supported it when they felt that the youth is going to make it.

Away from the battles in the streets and behind the closed doors of the political minds in Egypt something was being arranged and the whole regime was in a big deep trouble, A trouble forced the second row -the real rulers who have interests- of the regime to take the lead or to show up on the surface sacrificing the the head of the regime -Mubarak- after they felt that the whole regime will fall down and never be able to stand up again specially when their interests started to collapse due to the strikes invaded Egypt in a successful attempt to save what could be saved, but won't able to make it alone So they had to make a DEAL !

The SCAF as the Armed wing of the regime which is trying regain it's strength through offering deals with the Popular Opportunistic Bourgeoisie forces as the M.B. to save their interests and to guarantee imposition of control on the roaring crowds back then in the streets and have the same economical views based on the Free market .. Etc. , So here's the deal : M.B. will take over the positions they are good at like education, health and the most important job is to convince the people with how good the new regime is ! through the illusions of the production wheel and the biggest one of the which is that the regime is gone, but the fact is that they became a integral part of it.

Why they choose the M.B. from the beginning ?
First > Simply one of the most trusted opposition movements during the Mubarak era and even before him, but was never for the good of the people depending on them actually, it was for their own interest and the first loyalty was for the Guidance Office and the goals of the group, which from their point of view they see that it have the good for the people. But from mine they are not ! and that's because they are the same as the liberals, capitalists and dictators who still see that the poor people conditions can only be improved by charity ! which is obvious from their way in dealing with the poor people through years of underground social work.
Second > SCAF used the fact of M.B. were the most oppressed people during Mubarak's era despite the Leftist groups were oppressed too but they never have the chance neither to speak nor to work easily under any umbrella as M.B. did in the name of community service while the leftists were offering a revolution not a community service .

Every time i think about the dark side of the revolution many ideas and theories comes to my mind but the most important thought is the fact of that our revolution wasn't a laborers revolution but it was enhanced by them, and they didn't defend their revolution in the proper way, may be this is the problem but the are the only hope !

Labor movement in Egypt was oppressed for the last decades but the progress is massive in the last period despite the war by the SCAF and the allying bourgeoisie forces on them.

After the recent events i think we have to reproduce a new definition of the Counter revolution in Egypt or at least rearrange the elements which are :-
1.SCAF = the leading armed wing
2.M.B. = the Allying popular wing
3.Reformatory forces = many opportunistic parties

just saying.

SCAF war crimes against Egyptian protesters

Video by
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Dr.Ahmed Mo'taz is talking about the results of the investigation done by him and other professors at El-Kasr El-Einy school of medicine - Cairo. About the dead bodies of the second Egyptian uprising 19th of November 2011.

After seeing the dead bodies of the Martyrs (Mahmoud Abdel Rahman 19 years - Ragaa Omar - Amal Hassan Abdel Aziz - Rania Mohamed + 45 others ) the investigations results proved the usage of Very dangerous chemical cocktail shells against peaceful unarmed protesters in a Residential area which is Mohamed Mahmoud st. and Tahrir square which considered A terrible violation of human rights and a war crime.

Analysis of samples from the dead bodies and from the canisters showed the usage of concentrated phosphorus 15% and condensed Chlorine 18% Only produced by two 
American companies one of them based in Nevada while the other one in Pennsylvania Specializes in development of American military industries, and was obvious from more than 180 canisters captured by the protesters then the professors.

Results also showed the solution of the skin of the dead bodies and the usage of nerve gases.

Till now no official investigations started because of the orders of the General prosecutor Abdel Megeud Mahmoud, Minister of health, Field marshal Tantawy.

According to the signed protocols between The American & Egyptian Government These shells not to be used against protesters or in residential areas, specially those containing Cr gas and CS shells.

Military forces added another crime to their crimes by fabrication of criminal history to the Martyrs.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Why not ? ليه لأ ؟

ليه لأ - Arabic for "why not" - Design by me
ليه لأ - Arabic for "why not" - Design by me
I ask myself that question a lot recently.
New world ?, Can we .... ?, Should i ... ?, New Beginning ? .. Why not ?

video: المجد للشهداء - جمعة رد الإعتبار - Martyrs of the Egyptian Revolution .. by Mosireen

A video showing the sacrifice of Egypt's martyrs for their revolution. The fight from January through to the present moment, against Mubarak, his police state, the army, and SCAF. Full list of the names of the fallen at the
end of the film. Please share widely, and in solidarity.
Let the world know,
Contains graphic material

Another video by Mosireen showing a number of injured protesters in the hospital talking about what happened in Tahrir square since 19th of November and what happened to them.
Injuries varies between losing eyes, rubber bullets, live ammunition and tear gas effects.
watch and spread widely.
Let the world know

Monday, December 5, 2011

Alaa's release need a political decision

It's obvious since a long time ago that the detention of Alaa Abdel Fatah the Egyptian blogger and activist wasn't for a real charges but Alaa's battle was totally different from that, Alaa defended his right and the right of the other 12,000 civilians to be tried in front of their normal judge and to end the legitimacy of the military trials of civilians.
Fake charges, Fake evidences, Fake Farcical trial and stinky situation this what Alaa is facing in the moment.
They know that he's innocent but the SCAF stupidity which is normal deluded to them that if they detained the most Egyptian blogger now this would scare the others and as usual they were wrong.
Mr.Ahmed Sief El-Islam Alaa's father and lawyer asked the stinky state security emergency court to take a look to Alaa's tweets, Facebook updates and tracing his mobile phone locations the day of Maspero massacre which contain the innocence evidences ! which they are aware of and already traced by them, according to His father Alaa will have his first baby "khaled" by the end of this week while he's behind the oppression bars.

After the ignorance of the evidences Mr.Ahmed Sief decided to publish the whole set of evidences on public and let the people decide in order to make pressure on the SCAF.

Watch Ontveg Video Click here

Sunday, December 4, 2011

I won't offer you a community service, I am offering you a revolution

It's normal that none can face the whole world alone without support from the people he's fighting for their rights, but it's not necessarily when he lose support he will despair, every man with belief and dream of the world have to be a better place should not give up his dream in a world free of dreamers.
But how to get the support back when you lose it ?
In a country like Egypt under the current economic situation it's kind of exhausting to have the people around you to fight a corrupt system with a very powerful weapons and dominating everything except YOUR WILL.
Here's the difference between a revolutionary and an opportunist in such situation.
An opportunist will search for what people need and looking for and will deliver it to the people at home sometimes and this is great actually ,but then you the revolutionary spirit inside everyone of those who accepted the service will vanish, may be they will become slaves of the service, but the best part here is that they will leave you alone the minute when the service is over so at this time you will be alone and the outcome is losing money!
I don't think that anyone want to face something like that and if i want the people's support i have to go for it myself, talk to them, learn from them, convince them that my struggle is for their good and how we need to unite and the most important is to think as they think to understand where are they from my fight against the system.
Another reason why i won't offer any services is the idea of "body with many arms can be injured easily" and that will give a chance to the opponent to take me away from my original battle !
During a fight none will like having a fake support based on a interest.
If Egyptians believed just like they believed back in the 25th of January, they will do any thing.

New Videos from No Military Trials protest 4th Dec. 2011


Chants against Military Trials, Field Marshal Tantawy and SCAF generals


Chants against Military Trials, Field Marshal Tantawy and SCAF generals


Chants against Military Trials, Field Marshal Tantawy and SCAF generals

Marching from Talaat Harb st. to Tahrir square after protesting in front of the high court for 1 hour.
Chants against Field Marshal Tantawy, scaf generals and military police.
Protesters condemned the military rule, military trials for civilians and asked for the immediate release of the detained civilians to be tried in front of their normal judge.
After few days from now blogger and activist Alaa Abdel Fatah will complete 45 days behind bars.
Videos captured, edited and uploaded by me : YouTube channel DrSabryKhaled